You were an amazing mum and did everything you could for me throughout my childhood and into my adult years. There were so many happy memories but these ones stick in my mind. Our day out each year to the nursery near Snape was a favourite, where we filled the car with plants and had to put the seats down to get them all in! The first time we did this we went to the nursery first 'to get the best plants' then went into Snape and had a lovely meal at the pub followed by a look around all the different shops there and onto Aldeburgh for the rest of the day. On returning to the car we found a 'car greenhouse' with condensation running down the windows as we had forgotten that the plants were wet and the windows were shut! We laughed so much and had to ventilate the car before we could get in and see to drive home - it was like being in a sauna! The daft thing is that we then did exactly the same the following year! We did eventually get the process right and stopped off for lunch or homemade lemon meringue pie at the farm shop cafe then went shopping! I also remember when you and your friends started going to 'keep fit' togged up in leotards and footless tights each week. You used to come back and regale us with stories of the inevitable problems of having babies and doing star jumps! As a dinner lady you challenged the teachers and my friends at school to a netball match. Dad got your 'team' matching t-shirts so you all looked the part. You were hilarious and ruthless, with one teacher being pushed over, as he got in your way, and the goal post being moved to stop the other team scoring! A very young memory was of you painstakingly packing dad's case when he was going away on business; colour coding all his shirts, ties and socks into bags. How exasperated you were when he came home with a bit taken out of each bag and how furious you were that he had attended meetings in mis-matched outfits! You were loved by everyone for your humour, your inner minx and twinkle in your eye. You will be forever in my heart. RIP. Sally